Didier Ballan, Didier Ballan, Didier
Ballan Jazz Ensemble, Didier Ballan Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Ethnique, Jazz
Ethnique, Ethnic Jazz, Ethnic Jazz, Tibet Blues,
Tibet Blues, Guimbarde, Guimbarde, Jawharp, Jawharp, Moulin, Moulin, Mill,
Mill, Hans Van Even, Nolwenn LEIZOUR, Laurent Paris, Jean-denis RIVALEAU,
Drop Down Menu
It is by a "noisy" meeting (first musical
tests on drums), that a passion relation began
between Patrick and the musical world. When he
was fifteen, the passage of the skins to the strings
of a guitar is essential, carried by his aspirations
with the composition (musics for short-movies).
Four years later, in love with the electric sounds,
this sound universe pushes him to try out the
technological aspects of the sound. And here how
for the last twenty five years, Patrick, while
going on his way of musician (Denis Leg, Bruno
Grimaldi, Headline, Joy Kallen), has made sound
technique his principal activity. First of all,
by the sound recording in concerts to the musical
orientations of different backgrounds (The Pollen,
Sixun, Buddy Miles, Barney Willem, Luther Allison,
Mike Taylor, Gospel Voices, etc...), and then,
by the meeting of a sound engineer in London in
command of the Elephant Studio, he creates his
own recording studio in Paris (Rhapsody Studio).
During eight years, there he will escort and technically
accompany artists musicians with the most varied
inspirations (The Recycler, Five In The Tribe,
Helloween, Carole Frédéricks, Axel
Bauer, Bluetrain Jazz, François Michel
Duguet, Roy Robbi, Peter Nathanson, Fred Lo etc...).
Installed since 2001 in the South-west, teaching
director of Adams, center of formation of the
technical trades of the live entertainment since
two years, the meeting with Didier Ballan Jazz
Ensemble has changed very quickly in a true artistic
exchange endowed with a generous and productive
human dimension. In addition, Patrick nourished
by these beneficial waves, continues his project
of creation of a recordingstudio on the area of
Bordeaux. To Be continued...
Didier Ballan, Didier Ballan, Didier Ballan Jazz Ensemble, Didier Ballan
Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Ethnique, Jazz Ethnique, Ethnic Jazz, Ethnic Jazz,
Tibet Blues, Tibet Blues, Guimbarde, Guimbarde, Jawharp, Jawharp, Moulin,
Moulin, Mill, Mill, Hans Van Even, Nolwenn LEIZOUR, Laurent Paris, Jean-denis